Thursday, 6 March 2008

So far so good...

Today is so far much less vicious than yesterday. Thank god.

My green smoothie today was:

Half a romaine lettuce
Juice of a blood orange

The blood orange juice made it go a strange colour but gave it a lovely bite. I also gave myself a break and had the whole lot! Up till now i've been making enough to fill 2 huge tumblers and have been saving one for the next day. Whilst they keep ok, I a prefer the straight from the blender feel! I have the appetite for the whole lot so I've decided to indulge myself.

I have dug out all the grating and slicing attachments for my blender and might tackle a salad at lunch with the Kohl Rabi I got in my veg box yesterday. I've never had it before - Finn is chuffed that it loooks just like an alien. Hope it tastes better than it looks and slightly less wierd.


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