Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Changing tatstes and desires

An odd thing happenned this morning.

To date , I've only been happy with my green smoothie providing it is thick and rich and gloopy. I've been adding some hemp oil, ground almonds, and recently some avocado. There's a little voice of anxiety inside me usually which is that the smoothie won't fill me up and so I need to bulk it up.

Also, if I'm honest, I've been trying to hide the taste of the kale or the spinach or whatever greens I'm using. But today, I caught a whiff of the kale as it whizzed up in water and thought "Wow, that's such a fresh and lovely smell - I want to be able to taste it in my smoothie".

So I only added banana, a little chopped pear and water. It was much runnier than usual, I only had one tumbler full, and it tasted delicious.

And I am full.

In fact - I sort of woke up full. That never happens to me!

Interesting changes in tastes and desires.



Anonymous said...

Hi Rosi! SillyGoose her from Rawkin' forums. I've noticed the same thing with my smoothies. My cravings are almost none existent, I feel full most all the time and everyday I'm putting more greens and less fruit in my smoothies. It is soooo great!!!

Anonymous said...

isn't weird how we have this fear of being hungry? like it is the worst thing in the world that could happen to us!! i had that before i stopped having a cooked meal at night ... that fear is what kept me hanging on to just a little cooked food - including meat, with my evening meal. in case i woke up in the night starving hungry. guess what. stopped the cooked - have never woken up hungry in the night! but i do wake up looking forward to my morning smoothie :) (never woke up looking forward to morning cereal tho!!)


AlexMac said...

I know! It's so funny. And I've never worked out where that fear comes from. It's not like I ever knew hunger as a child. Wierd.

All good tho! Nice to see you here Goosemama x x x

Anonymous said...

Oh this is so true. I remember my first green smoothie and dry heaving at its green taste. And the more I drank...the more I wanted that taste in there. We are amazing creatures, us.

xoxox Bee