Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Harvest time

Harvest is my local health food shop. I'd not been in for ages so I paid a visit today. I found some fabulous stuff.

I bought coconut oil - not sure whether to wear it or eat it.

Hemp oil for my smoothies and to hide in Finn's food.

Braised Tofu - not raw but still one of my fave things and not had for ages.

Sprouting things! Made a lovely salad with peanut butter dressing.

The biggest and freshest Bok Choi.

Mmmmmmmmmmm. Harvest time.



Anonymous said...

coconut oil is good for eating and smearing on your skin as you know - i use the same stuff for both. although i did recently find a nice little skin moisturising concoction that is just coconut oil, shea butter and vanilla. smells good enough to eat :)

you can use the coconut oil to cook stuff in too, just be aware that it smokes at quite low temperature. i find that if i get the food into it quickly it is ok - rather than leaving it in the pan to heat up while you chop stuff etc.


Tara said...

Hee hee...sg beat me. I was going to say eat it AND wear it definitely.

We use coconut oil for everything around here.

AlexMac said...

Hmm - eat it and wear it! Bargain.

I'll report back.
