Tuesday, 11 March 2008


The love affair continues...

Yesterday I was in mad rush for lunch - all I could see was half a kohlrabi lurking in the back of the firdge and half a pot of houmous.

So I chopped me chunks of Kohlrabi and dipped it in my houmous.

It was truly lovely. And really filling.

I lurve kohlrabi.



Rawkin' said...

Hey Alex :)

Tag! You're it!

Tell 5 things people don't know about you...

...then tag 5 others...



Tara said...

Your lunch is a great example of how astounded I continue to be that this raw food thing has got to be the easiest way to eat healthfully that I have ever tried. Or, to be clear, it CAN be as easy or as detailed as you want it to be. Such freedom in that!