Monday, 10 March 2008

One week in...

Compare with one week ago:

I am VERY pleased! (I started taking photos in a different shirt this morning ... noticed the difference and then went and put the same pink shirt back on so I could be absolutely sure it wasn't the clothes!)

This is one week of no booze and eating 95% raw before a sensible evening meal.


Tara said...

Wow! I really see it, Alex. That's the first thing I noticed about my body too- tummy flattening. Do your clothes feel different? You look wonderful.

AlexMac said...

Just noticed your comment! Thank you lovey. I do feel different. I am a bit pre-menstrual bloated this week - I can't wait for that to shift and see what's left underneath. But even pre-menstual, I still feel better. Nice baby steps.
