At last I found one. I've been looking in all our healthfood shops which stock every detox book under the sun but nothing raw. Waterstones had nothing. But Today, Borders had one! just one mind. But it's big and beautiful and full of the most pictures. It's called RAWvolution by Matt Amsden and I am liking it so far.
I have some dehydrator questions so I need to get me to Rawkin post haste. Mebbe see yous there?
Awesome! Looking forward to hearing how you like the recipes--Wildhearted
i found my copy in Borders too :)
small warning, i found he overseasons a bit to my taste, so now i just add less salt or Nama Shoyu that he says - Lucie has found the same thing with a lot of raw recipes.
SG - you are dead right about his recipes - over salts and over sweetens.
Giving me lots of ideas tho which is fabulous.
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